!llmind - !.B.F.K.W. "The Drums"
!.B.F.K.W. (!llmind Beats For Kanye West) is a FREE "beat-tape" compilation containing beats that !llmind created during the era of Kanye West's "Cruel Summer" album in 2012. All of the drums used on this critically-acclaimed compilation are for your own personal use, completely royalty-free.
- 76 drum sounds (kicks, snares, hi-hats & more) in WAV format.
- All drum sounds were sampled into an Ensoniq ASR-10 AND Akai S-20 at 33khz/12-bit for maximum warmth + punch!
- NO reverb or delays added make layering easy and more flexible.
- NO compression or saturation/flat "pancake" sounds.
- All drum sounds were hand-picked, created, stripped, and taken straight from the drums used in the critically acclaimed !BFKW (!llmind Beats For Kanye West) EP!
Regular price
$29.99 USD
Sale price
$29.99 USD
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